A word singed into the parchment of history's middle chapters, born
of black powder during a time of Black Death, confined
by misery, imprisoned by slaughter and war.
A word baptized in the fire of 14th century cannon, witness to
siege and plunder, bystander to falling empires, trapped
in a maze of political and social shambles.
Is it possible for words to break free from bondage, to unfurl sails
unseen and let them billow in gusts and gales, to slide across
oceans of meaning and arrive at calmer ports?
Is there hope of a future where this word, formed of hostility and hate,
can transform into something new, something that elevates rather
than demoralizes, that brightens rather than blackens?
As in: assail someone persistently, as with kindness, mercy, or love.
After the Fire
After the fire
crawls slowly
into the playground,
surrounds each steel pole
holding the whole works
in the air,
after the
vivid yellows and blues
blister and blacken,
after the plastic slides
drip, then drizzle,
the swings melt
and drop into the flames,
and the merry-go-round collapses
and tilts unnaturally
to the scorched ground,
after this creeping horror
gently decimates
all in its inching path,
it disappears like smoke
dissipates, seemingly out of
existence, and later,
when the children
come out for recess,
little do they know
that right now, as they
stand around the structure and
stare with blank faces,
this will be the most honest
and seminal lesson
they will learn at this school,
or any other.
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Blues
When I focus
in, when I delve
beneath the layers,
I become more confused.
Where were we
when the momentum
of our desire cooled to a
state of rest, empty of even
the most minute single vibration?
Through sleepless nights
I measure the ghostly remains
of remembrances that haunt sub-
atomic regions of a mind that is withering.
Heisenberg discovered that
trying to determine one part of a
whole will increasingly blur the rest,
leaving the verity of the entire operation hazy.
How much did
we love, really? My
calculations have resulted
in no solution. I look up at the crest of every
wavelength. I have shrunken into obscurity and loss.
I am a down quark
trapped inside
a neutron.
My electron clouds
are full of
Jug Wine
soft and silly
our heads
with dry
sinking into
with you
guys I
want it
any other
way I
you guys
are my
where are
we how
are we
Message Received
Dear Writer,
Thank you so much for sending in your poem—reading it was truly a pleasure. This was clearly an earnest attempt at artistic expression. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept your submission. We feel that your poem needs work. Although we rarely do this, we have included some suggestions:
Consider replacing every word in your poem with a different word. Try not to use synonyms. We feel that it is important to change the structure, tone, rhythm, and meaning of your poem. Replacing every word will expedite this process. We think that making this minor change will result in a better poem and possible publication (although not in this publication).
Honestly, though, publication for a writer of your "talents" is a bit of a longshot. Have you considered other lines of work? Based on your submission, we feel that writing may not be a hallmark of your current abilities. Although, again, we rarely do this, we have assembled a list of possible, more reasonable occupations that you may find more suitable to your talents:
-Restroom attendant
-Chicken sexer
-Body part model
-Self-storage unit manager
-Elf assistant to a mall Santa
-Toll booth operator
-Test subject in clinical trials
-United States Senator
We at this publication fervently believe that by submitting your poem, perhaps as a "cry for help," you are putting yourself on the right track toward self-improvement and, hopefully, some primitive form of happiness. Ideally, you will take this advice and bury your artistic dreams deep, deep underground and become a useful member of our crumbling society. Good luck!
The Editors
Half-Staffed American Flags
turn out
shut out
gun down
In the recent past American flags were lowered rarely—to honor the
passing of dignitaries or signify a resonant national tragedy—not
eulogize weekly gunshot casualties who lay bleeding and dying in
schools and churches and public squares, victims of psychologically
distraught Americans lacking any real human connection or ancillary
support for serious mental afflictions, packing semiautomatic pistols
and bump-stocked assault rifles that spray bullets like drizzles of rain;
shooters unable to cope with an unending barrage of sensationalized
media voices in their heads, grasping at any relevance available from
a mention on the 24-hour TV news, swathing other Americans with
bullets and leaving a windrow of dead to winnow in the draft of
talking heads howling and pointing fingers without a single significant
intimation to help stop the bleeding and the killing and the dying of
shout at
scream at
gun down